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milpa help docs milpa environment

There's a few environment variables that control the behavior of milpa.



MILPA_ROOT points to the installed milpa kernel, by default /usr/local/lib/milpa. This folder contains a milpa repo, the milpa executable, and a helper binary named compa, along a copy of the license and the source repo's README.

You can set it to a local installation, like a fork, and run $MILPA_ROOT/milpa to use that fork's scripts instead of an installed version.

If you choose to install to a different path than the default, you may wanna add MILPA_ROOT=/path/to/your/install you your shell profile.


The MILPA_PATH environment variable tells milpa where to look for repos.

By default, milpa will look for repos in the following order:

  1. If MILPA_PATH is present in the environment, it'll start its search there,
  2. then, milpa will look at its own commands under $MILPA_ROOT,
  3. If the current working directory (or git repository) contains a .milpa folder, milpa will search that next,
  4. from there, it'll look for user repos at $XDG_DATA_HOME/milpa/repos,
  5. followed by global repos at $MILPA_ROOT/repos.

Commands with the same name will be silently ignored.

Additional repositories can be added as colon (:) delimited paths, pointing to the directory containing a /.milpa folder within. For example, setting MILPA_PATH=$HOME/code/my-repo:/opt/milpa would prepend the $HOME/code/my-repo and /opt/milpa folders to the command search path.

If desired, you may set a MILPA_PATH for all shells by adding it to your shell's profile.

MILPA_DISABLE_GIT, MILPA_DISABLE_USER_REPOS and MILPA_DISABLE_GLOBAL_REPOS each disable the corresponding command lookups when set to true.



Set DEBUG=on to have milpa produce debugging output on its behavior. Set DEBUG=trace to see even more output.


Enabled by the --verbose option. It shows information about what milpa is doing, along any @milpa.log debug messages from commands.


Enabled by the --silent option, to hide @milpa.log messages completely. If DEBUG or MILPA_VERBOSE are enabled, these will override MILPA_SILENT.


By default, when stdout is a TTY, milpa will output color escape characters. If NO_COLOR is set to any non-empty string, then no color will be output. If not connected to a TTY, and COLOR=always is set, then color escape characters will be printed.

If either --no-color or --color options are provided, these will override both COLOR and NO_COLOR environment variables.

If COLORTERM is set to truecolor, 24-bit colors will be used instead of the default 256-color palette.


MILPA_HELP_STYLE controls the theme to use when rendering help pages, and must be one of auto, dark, light, and markdown.



If enabled, validation will be skipped for arguments and options. Also enabled with --skip-validation. Skipping validation may be unsafe, but may be useful when validation depends on unavailable data or services.



If set to a non-empty string, update checks will not be performed periodically before running commands.


How often to check for new releases to milpa in days, by default 7.

Command Environment

Your commands will also have specific environment variables available, check out milpa help docs milpa command.